
2024-06-08 剪辑技巧 1088 抖音教程网


1、Shanghai Media Group (SMG) - 上海东方传媒集团有限公司

- SMG is a major media conglomerate in China, with operations including television and radio broadcasting, film production, and more.


2、Eastday (Dongfang Wang) - 东方网

- A popular news portal and online service provider based in Shanghai.

3、Interface Media Group - 界面新闻

- A business news and information company focusing on finance and economics.

4、The Paper - 澎湃新闻

- An influential news platform known for its investigative journalism and in-depth reports.

5、Xinmin Evening News - 新民晚报

- A longstanding newspaper in Shanghai that covers local and national news.

6、Shanghai Observer - 上海观察

- A publication focusing on social and cultural issues in Shanghai.

7、DragonTV (Long TV) - 龙电视台

- A satellite television channel based in Shanghai, known for entertainment and lifestyle programming.

8、Yinxiang.com (PPS) - 影象网(PPS)

- A vIDeo streaming website that was once very popular before being acquired by a larger company.

9、iQIYI Shanghai - 爱奇艺上海

- The local branch of the major online video platform based in Beijing.

These are just some examples, and there are many other media outlets and companies in Shanghai that contribute to the vibrant media landscape in the city.
